Thursday, January 24, 2008

Reporting a Turn- January 18, 2008

Perhaps I am not your typical snowboarder, not being either a flying board-grabber, a spinning speeder, or a baggy-clothed bum, but when a cheap ticket comes along I will always be one of the first to turn on it. Somehow even air filled with driving snow flurries is not a deterent, nor the low socked-in clouds and wind that pierce through my clothing and make me shiver inside my thick Vermont skin- I'll do my best to carve the fresh powder into curving paths and plow my share of the snow down the mountain with my inexpert back edge.

That is how I ended up spiraling down the surface of of Burke Mountain last Friday, reporting, as is usual for Northern Vermont, a gray sky and a certain amount of cold precipitation. Imagine my surprise as a swifter wind arrived and puffed away the icy shrouds, giving me a glimpse of a wild and brilliant sky-- turning a delicious day into a scrumptious one, especially since it concerned a pair of thick boots and a fat board, and a couple of snaking trenches through the snow.

1 comment:

Alex said...

Lucky!! Why can't we have hills out here. The only slope near here is on an old landfill.