Thursday, December 3, 2009

A Question

Does God grow us in straight line, ever onward toward one end like the sleet pelting against ones nose and backback,

or does He nurture us more in a circling pattern like the first snow flakes of the season tickling the tree branches, teaching us to revisit old thoughts in a new manner and learn anew from past experiences,

or does He gently mist His will and His purity upon us like an autumn rain, only in such amounts that we will be able to bear it,

or does there have to be one answer?

Sometimes I am as confused as the weather was today.


Alex said...

you and me both... and I believe the answer is yes.

Jo9hn said...

Something in me bids me find
Answers for my questioning mind.
Something in me wants to know
If what I've learned is really so.

Something in me longs to run
Wild and free, with fetters none.
Something in me makes me fear
To leave the safe familiar here.

Something in me yearns for love
That will to me my true worth prove.
Something in me says: "Find God"--
The search may take me far abroad.

O may a day dawn clear and bright
My doubts resolved, my world just right!

--Not by poster....

Katalin said...

Oh Emily, I love this thought, its so true, I believe the answer is both. :D

Caitlin said...

Or perhaps like a planet that rotates while orbiting along a greater invisible path and magnetized the Center.


An acorn, a seedling, a sampling, a young tree, the ancient oak of the woods... Each stage is good, each is an oak, and each is God's art.